Thursday, May 08, 2008

“Building The Online Roads That Lead To Your Website!” - Part 1

I see a lot of elaborate web sites being built and sold in this business of online marketing. I see them come in all sizes. Some light up and spin around like pinball machines and others are as dry as melba toast and half as sophisticated. Some are designed to sell, (but not always too well) and others are brilliant but are not positioned properly online.

And for many companies – this is where their pain begins.

If you got a strategy that works for your online marketing you can transfer that to your other sites. But what happens when that technology fizzles out and becomes obsolete. I always think about the technology that existed just a short while ago in the broadcast FAX market. A lot of companies sat back on their haunches and let that technology drive their business – in many cases – right over Niagra Falls. I am surprised at how many companies I run into that expect a fat living from a site that has no proven ways to drive traffic to it. Having high visibility is not always enough. Getting high on the search engines is great for visibility but you always need to place your site in front of enough of the right people who may want your goods and services.

Beware of Self Arrogance
It’s easy to fall in love with your own product or service. And yes, love is blind. It becomes easy to miss out on the necessary details when you are so self absorbed with your own business and that can cost you. Many companies do not bother to build at least 12 strong incoming lead sources to their businesses online or otherwise. Keep in mind that all of these sources do not have to be online in nature. These can be classified ads, display ads, direct mail, yellow page advertisements, pay per click ads, and more.

End of Part 1

Ted Cantu can share with you, “Lessons Learned From The Dan Kennedy Super Conference” with special guest speakers such as KISS – Gene Simmons, George Ross, from Trump’s Apprentice, and much more at Http:// .

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