Thursday, December 21, 2006


I was reading up on my blogs and RSS feeds and came across some interesting informaton. The Staples chain is famous now with their Easy Button campaign. But along the way this thing actually became a real product that you can buy. Its mostly a novelty gift idea for the office.

But lately its taken on a new theraputic turn. Its also being given to people in the hospital with cancer and other serious illnesses. This is not what it was intended for but that is how its being used. This is interesting to me and a little odd. It has gotten the company some very good press, ( no pun intended).

Now if they can figure out a way for this button to fix web copy. Hmmm?
Ted Cantu Fascube 2006

Internet Marketing Must Have of 2006

Yes, I know the year is almost over but listen up......

There are so many factors now in online marketing that its easy to flub up here and then and forget a few things. There are a lot of necessary techniques that we forget because we get too busy to notice. Now there is something that really puts the critical steps on the line.

Here are some questions that come up in the sales letter on this site:

#4 - Do you spend months adding meta-tags & keywords to your website but neglect to submit your website to search engines, do paid placement and paid inclusion?

#5 - Do you have a blog but not an RSS feed? Do you have an RSS feed that you haven't submitted to blog directories?

Sound familiar? Yes, I still get questons on what an RSS feed is..... About 15 questions a week to be exact? Do you have yours in syndication yet?

Check out this resource and see for yourself. Its a pretty interesting companion to your own online marketing campaign.

Internet Marketing Matrix - Strategies & Tactics for 2007

Ted Cantu is the creator of Mobile Cast and
http://www.911copywriters.blogspot.comhe has handled the marketing for such innovative groups like and contributes to several blogs and podcasts such as….. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

Free Advice From Stephen Pierce

Anytime you can get FREE advice from Stephen Pierce you should listen. WHY? Because this guy knows what he's talking about and he's freakin' expensive.

But seriously folks this clip was taken from The World Internet Summit and it also features Direct Marketer Extroadinare Brett McFall.

Brett McFall Blog

Enjoy !

Got A Product? Sell It On EXPO TV

Expo TV is a new video solution to product research, with thousands of consumer-generated reviews and product demonstrations all available in full-motion video. The site features thousands of Videopinion reviews - short, unbiased consumer-generated videos reviewing products that members love or hate. In addition to the Videopinion reviews contributed by our community, the site also provides consumers with informative ‘how to buy’ videos and product demonstration videos contributed by our advertsing partners.

Source - ExpoTelevision

Labeled as the future of shopping, Expo TV lets the viewers rate the products that are being featured. This company was just awarded 6 Million in financing. Its also backed up with Time Warner in an exclusive cable deal. This will allow Expo TV to be transmitted into the homes of 20 Million households. This takes the idea of epinions a little futher by letter customers interact with the brands that are being sold.

Ted Cantu is the creator of Mobile Cast and
http://www.911copywriters.blogspot.comhe has handled the marketing for such innovative groups like and contributes to several blogs and podcasts such as….. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

Get Into Real Online Marketing Action