Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How Big Is Your MYSPACE Economy?

I came across some recent articles recently on the whole MYSPACE fiasco. Its no longer some playground for sexual preditors !!! Its a real, legitimate business tool. In the past couple of weeks theres was a recent push in getting an entire audience generated ONILNE through MYSPACE.

Up until a few weeks ago the mere suggestion of this seemed laughable. If anything, if you were over 21 and prowling around Myspace you were either looked down upon or risked the classification of being labeled as "one of them".

But not FOX Entertainment and movie companies are embracing this technology and a new term is in our midst. MYSPACE ECONOMY. This basically translates to an online popularity contest and how many people out there are really connecting to it?


Article written by Ted Cantu, freelance correspondent for FASCUBE, The Fashion Culture Beauty Network. Cantu handles online marketing, copywriting, graphics, SEO - SEM, Blogging, Podcasting and can be found on his home site of Cantu is located in Walled Lake, Michigan.

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