There has been a serious rethink of how to approach copywriting in the recent weeks. Formatting your copywriting to fit into your SEO approach is becoming essential for good rankings. You need to make your writing accessible to the people who read it and also the search engine spiders.
Avoid the mistake of writing strictly for search engine spiders. You can spot these pages, (even if they are highly ranked) by looking at how the TITLE tag reads. I was looking up a niche market in my home state, which is Michigan, and found a company that placed that word in their title no less than five times. They can get away with it if they back up each instance with a service that this company provides but it doesn't read well as a sentence.
Still, these pages can outrank you if your not careful. So its important to look up to see where your competition sits in your local market. You can out rank a large majority of these pages for a number of reasons.....
1. A lot of web sites have overall page rankings of 16% - 60%
2. The same web sites have lots of poorly ranked link partners
3. A lot of your competitors have poor relations between the title and body copy
You would be surprised to see how quickly you can outrank these pages. This can take place in a matter of a few days. We outranked 1,800,000 pages in a matter of 3 days after surveying what our competitors were doing and how they were put together.
Ted Cantu is the web architect for WebCrush, and works out of Detroit, MI and Chicago, IL