Thursday, December 28, 2006

Capture More Customers With Audio !

WebCrush - is my latest addition to my company. It is dedicated to helping companies get a higher search engine ranking on their websites. I have been beating out some pretty incredible numbers lately.

I took a subject and beat out 1,890,000 pages and got into the top ten of that niche market. There are so many tools to help propel you into that sort of limelight. You can read more about it here.......

Using audio is an absolutely fantastic way to gain more market share. The numbers beat out traditional radio broadcasting. In fact, the response rate isn't even close. I was able to pull a couple thousand listeners coast to coast off my recent podcasts. Try doing that with a traditional radio commercial. When you look into the real numbers of what it takes to get a audio commercial off the ground and how to profit from it you'll quickly note that its pricey.

If this doesn't get you excited about online marketing I don't know what will. This can trun into sales. But it gets a little trickier from there.

You can find out where your audience is coming from. You can find out where they access the internet, (universtiy, school, township etc) and this can help you when you want to place some ads. Now you know how to target your approach with more efficiency.

Try this tool to capture your audio.....
Audio Wiz makes Web Audio easy

Here is another resource for Windows users

The report that we are going to release has some nice tips in there. You will find that by using a combination of technques you can reach that Top Ten spot too.

Ted Cantu owns WebCrush and works in SEO, Copywriting and showing companies how to reach top search engine rankings.

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