Its already happening....
There was a small blurb this week on the lower left hand corner of the latest issue of Crains Detroit Magazine. The news is that Crains Detroit is now mobile. The features are a little plain but thats okay - this shows promise.
The articles are smaller but the pages are in the proper XHTML Mobile format. That is worth mentioning. Just the other day I was commenting on this to a blogger and he told me it was a ways off yet and not to worry about it. Well, friends the future is happening as we speak.
Now if you want to really have some fun try loading in the very graphically dense site onto your cell phone. The graphics shrink and the tiny screen tries to accomodate the entire look of the site which is commendable. The other thing you will notice is that it even goes as far as to load up the web video that I embedded. Pretty heavy stuff.
Of course the cell phone market cannot support the javascript language yet but that is coming. There are ways around that of course thanks to a combination of some technology by Nokia and AVI File formatting.
Is your company ready for mobile web surfing?
Your customers will be asking for it.
Ted Cantu - - 2006
There was a small blurb this week on the lower left hand corner of the latest issue of Crains Detroit Magazine. The news is that Crains Detroit is now mobile. The features are a little plain but thats okay - this shows promise.
The articles are smaller but the pages are in the proper XHTML Mobile format. That is worth mentioning. Just the other day I was commenting on this to a blogger and he told me it was a ways off yet and not to worry about it. Well, friends the future is happening as we speak.
Now if you want to really have some fun try loading in the very graphically dense site onto your cell phone. The graphics shrink and the tiny screen tries to accomodate the entire look of the site which is commendable. The other thing you will notice is that it even goes as far as to load up the web video that I embedded. Pretty heavy stuff.
Of course the cell phone market cannot support the javascript language yet but that is coming. There are ways around that of course thanks to a combination of some technology by Nokia and AVI File formatting.
Is your company ready for mobile web surfing?
Your customers will be asking for it.
Ted Cantu - - 2006