WOW... is this really a problem?
I just saw a story on CNN last week that made me stand up and take notice. People are upset about how big box stores like Sears, Target and Old Navy are capturing peoples information about products and services? This means that these stores will be able to service them better and give people more of what they want.....
The tone of the news, (like most major media news) was pretty negative. But this is something that traditional advertisers have been trying to do for years. In fact, for the most part it is universally understood that this has been a pretty crappy approach to the problem. A lot of advertersing companies simply cannot get the job done. So the account is passed on to someone else....
Here is a case in point.... Burger King for example has been passed on to other advertisers. BK gets tired of the their new choice and fires the agency and goes to the next one. Sooner or later they run out of agencies. From there they start all over again. This has been going on for a while.....
** By the way the current choice is very creepy. It has never worked for me. The static horrifying face of an unanimated king doesn't work with me. The quarelling burger family in big foam rubber suits sort of appeals to me a bit better....
But you see what I mean....
IS SPYING ON YOUR CONSUMERS A BAD THING?When did being a Capitalist attract such a powerfully negative connotation in American culture? Being a ruthless capitalist is what made this country great. In fact, it is the REASON why we have become such a powerful nation. This is the reason why so many companies have succeeded......
This is how new products get made. This is how existing products get sold. There are limits I suppose on the kinds of products you buy and how they are tracked. But I do not view this as a problem. This is actually a solution to years, decades of really bad marketing.
Now everything is trackable.... That means less wasted spending on ads, television spots, websites and ideas that don't pull in revenue.
Is that really a problem?
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